Capriccio Mini Retreat
After the lecture period, we held another Capriccio mini retreat to address various scientific, organisational, and strategic issues. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, we decided to stay at the university and to reserve a large seminar room to ensure appropriate distances. Each day started with a presentation by one of our group members in order to initiate discussions about different topics: The first talk given by Christof addressed “Local stress measures in MD”, whereas Wuyang gave a literature overview for concurrent multiscale simulations of fracture. Beyond these insights, we were very pleased to welcome our follow FRASCAL member Dhananjay Phansalkar, who discussed his ongoing work with a presentation about phase-field modelling.
Aside of the scientific part of our mini retreat, we spent some nice time together at Italian, Persian, and Greek restaurants and had a hiking tour from Erlangen to Nuremberg, which enabled many fruitful discussions.
In summary, we had three inspiring days together and are looking forward to continuing this successful format in future, hopefully without the current restrictions.