Publication of the inelastic Capriccio method

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We are delighted to announce the publication of “A particle‐continuum coupling method for multiscale simulations of viscoelastic‐viscoplastic amorphous glassy polymers ” in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.

In this contribution, we extend our Capriccio method, which couples a particle domain and a continuum domain, to inelasticity for multiscale simulations of amorphous polymers. It employs an MD-informed viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive model in the continuum and uses a temporal coupling scheme to link the time-dependent particle and continuum domains. With this technique at hand, quasi-static time-proportional and time-periodic loadings can be conducted in a mulitscale set-up. Furthermore, the influence of the parameters related to the temporal coupling on the computational cost and on the accuracy of the method are systematically investigated.