CSS Talk by David Richard

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David Richard presented a talk entitled “Bridging necking and shear-banding mediated tensile failure in glasses” that closed the 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar. He started with experimental observations that metallic glasses exhibit a failure mode transition from necking to shear-banding with decreasing temperature or increasing strain rate in tensile loading, which can be parameterized by the ultimate tensile strength. He then discussed molecular dynamics simulations of binary glass models displaying a similar transition behavior controlled by temperature and strain rate. He further discussed possible mechanisms behind these transitions. The talk was followed by fruitful discussions. We sincerely thank David for his highly valuable contribution to our seminar!

[1] D. Richard, E.T. Lund, J. Schroers, E. Bouchbinder. Phys. Rev. Materials, 2023,  7, L032601 

Dr.-Ing. Wuyang Zhao