Maximilian Ries receives ECCOMAS award

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It is our great pleasure to announce Maximilian Ries as winner of the ECCOMAS award for the best PhD theses 2023. The European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) grants this prestigious prize annually to two young researchers for their outstanding works in the field of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, with a particular focus on linking theoretical and practical aspects based on the development and application of up-to-date computational approaches.

In summary, ECCOMAS states that the decision on the award is “based on the relevance of the topics, the originality of the theses, their scientific content, the innovative numerical developments and the personal involvement of the candidates.” In addition, ECCOMAS recognises the well-written fashion of the theses and the meticulous presentation of methods and results therein.

In his thesis (, “Characterization and modeling of polymer nanocomposites across the scales,” Max has developed a novel methodology that enables the derivation of a continuum mechanical model for polymer nanocomposites. To this end, he combined molecular dynamics as a particle-based approach with continuum mechanics solved by the Finite Element Method.


PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Sebastian Pfaller (Akad. ORat)