Wuyang Zhao receives DFG individual research grant

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We are delighted to announce that Wuyang Zhao received a DFG individual research grant for his project “Investigating brittle-to-ductile transition in glassy polymers by multiscale modeling across atomistic and continuum scales”. In this project, he will investigate the mechanisms of toughness in glassy polymers based on molecular simulations. Using the Capriccio framework, the molecular descriptions will be embedded into a continuum domain to apply loading conditions that are not feasible in pure molecular approaches as, e.g., those typically arising in fracture problems. Beyond this, Wuyang is also going to study the effect of nanoparticles added to the polymer matrix.

The first funding period will last for 2 years and start from February 2025. We sincerely congratulate Wuyang for this great success and wish him a very good start!

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Sebastian Pfaller (Akad. ORat)