Seminar completion: Terrence Pereira
We congratulate Terrence Pereira, who successfully finished his seminar with the submission of his seminar report and by giving a presentation on the subject “Review of state-of-the-art continuum mechanical material models that consider multiple physical phenomena”. In his work, Terrence tackles essential mechanical concepts such as viscosity, plasticity, anisotropy, hyperelasticity, and more, establishing a theoretical groundwork. By conducting a literature review, he explores a range of material models that incorporate multiple mechanical phenomena, starting with hyperelasticity, followed by plasticity models for irreversible deformations and viscoelastic models for time-dependent deformations. Additionally, he discusses advanced inelastic thermo-mechanical models and innovative viscoelastic-viscoplastic frameworks that account for multiple mechanical material behaviors under various conditions. His thorough review serves as a valuable resource for conducting finite element analysis involving advanced material models. As this was the last study course of his master’s degree, the whole Capriccio group wishes him all the best for his future career.