
The third presentation in the 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar was held by Tobias Laschütza from Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) on “Studying cyclic mode I crack growth with a molecular dynamics informed continuum micromechanical crazing model”. Tobias first provided some background informati...

Category: Allgemein, Events

The fourth talk in the 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar was given by Eran Bouchbinder from Weizmann Institute of Science titled "The key roles played by quenched disorder in resolving 3D fracture puzzles." In his talk, Eran Bouchbinder started with the exciting achievements in 2D dynamical fracture to ...

Category: Allgemein, Events

We are delighted to announce the publication of "Revealing the percolation–agglomeration transition in polymer nanocomposites via MD-informed continuum RVEs with elastoplastic interphases " in Composites Part B: Engineering This contribution bu...

Category: Allgemein, Events

During the 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar, Michael Falk from Johns Hopkins University presented a talk titled "Simulation-informed models for amorphous metal additive manufacturing." In his talk, Falk provided an overview of the amorphous metal additive manufacturing (AM2) technique and discussed its...

Category: Allgemein, Events

From 18th to 22th of March 2024, Sebastian Pfaller and Lukas Laubert both visited the 94th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU). On Tuesday morning, Lukas gave a talk on the "Multistage parame...

Category: Allgemein

The 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar was initiated by the talk given by Sylvain Patinet on Thursday, April 26th. During the talk "Numerical modeling of plasticity in amorphous solids", Sylvain presented a method encoding the global plastic activity in glasses using local yield stresses . Using this met...

Category: Allgemein, Events

Welcome to the Capriccio Special Seminar 2024! In the 2nd Capriccio Special Seminar (CSS), we aim to establish a link between experimental observations and numerical analyses focusing on the physics of fracture in glassy materials, including inorganic and polymeric glasses as well as polymer comp...

Category: Allgemein, Events

We congratulate Jakob Seibert for publishing the results of his Bachelor's thesis in a peer-reviewed paper in Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. In his publication, "Investigation of the influence of nano-sized particles on the entanglement distribution of a generic polymer nanocomposite using mol...

Category: Allgemein, Events

We congratulate Vincent Dötschel on his first publication, "Studying the mechanical behavior of a generic thermoplastic by means of a fast coarse-grained molecular dynamics model." This contribution presents the methodology and tools to generate and analyze molecular dynamics samples of an efficient...

Category: Allgemein, Events